The hidden gift of a child pushing back

Last night at dinner my children and I were having a conversation. 

In the past decade, I’ve transformed who I am and how I show up, not just for them but for me. I’ve been on a journey to seek my natural abilities and own them (it’s taken me a while to get here!) 

So when I expressed my belief about something last night. Both of the kids said don’t be so ridiculous mum, there’s no way that’s true.

I’m quite a skeptical person. It takes a lot to convince me and I need to be convinced multiple times in order to believe something is true. 

So in my mind, I knew what I was saying was true for me because I had experienced it first-hand. 

But our boys kept pushing back. 

My initial response was to be defensive.  

Defensive for me looks like standing my ground and trying to convince them it’s true. And for a few moments, I went down this road and started to feel annoyed. 

And then a realisation dawned on me that relates to our family value of CURIOSITY - being intellectual and discerning. 

I realised I WANT my children to push back.

I don’t want them to believe everything they hear from me or anyone else.

And in our family environment, I have the opportunity to empower them to know that they can question everything. 

It was a powerful moment and liberating for me because now there was a much bigger purpose and value in the direction of our conversation and I didn’t need them to agree with me and more importantly, I didn’t WANT them to agree with me! :) 

Understanding our family values has helped us dissolve tension and stress in multiple daily scenarios. They keep us on track to prioritise our energy, our time and even our sanity!

What pushbacks drive you crazy? 


Much love

Dina xxx


The secret I wish every parent knew


I screamed at my teen